You can borrow an approved trap from the Palm Springs Animal Shelter. Pick-up the trap(s) during normal business hours at our Intake Office. Or schedule time with our onsite staff at, or community cat staff at Our staff will show you best practices for effective and humane trapping. The rental is free. Simply sign an agreement and provide a refundable deposit of $65 per trap. Cash and credit cards are accepted, and the amount will be refunded upon returning the traps to the shelter within the agreed upon time-frame.


Model 30LTD from TruCatch. If you are using your own traps, they must have access from BOTH sides, and enable full length trap utilization making it safer for medical recovery. They also must not be spring loaded.


The best time to trap is the night before surgery, after dusk. Cats should not be left in the trap more than 8-10 hours.


Do all your set up and preparation away from the colony site—remember, feral cats are generally fearful of people. Helpful instruction videos can be watched here.  Place newspaper or cardboard, folded lengthwise, inside the bottom of the trap to protect the cats’ paws. Do not put bedding or towels inside the trap. In winter you can also put a towel under the trap to help the cat stay warm.


Place a couple tablespoons of bait at the very back of the trap. Wet cat food works fine, but canned tuna, sardines, or mackerel may be more enticing. Place the food directly on the newspaper or use a small disposable paper or plastic tray.   Do not put glass or metal cans in the trap – cats can get hurt attempting to get out. Place food behind the trip pan, thru the rear door. Close the rear door, and latch it using the clip.


Position traps where they will attract a cat, be camouflaged, and be safe and secure. The trap should be on flat ground, and stable. Traps should always be located away from irrigation and out of the sun.


  • Raise both rings to the top of the door
  • Flip open and raise the door
  • Lift the variable trigger rod and place it against the fixed trigger rod (tension between the rods holds the door open) 
  • Your trap is now set and ready for bait

Be mindful:

  • Trap should not rock or tip
  • Place trap away from sprinklers
  • Place trap out of the direct sunlight
  • Cover trap with a large towel, making sure the door of the trap is not blocked or obstructed
  • Keep track of the traps at all times
  • Traps should never be left unattended unless in a secure, protected, and safe area for a short time


Bring cat to the Shelter during scheduled TNR events.


  • Ensure the entire trap is covered with an extra large towel – all sides
  • Do not feed cats before surgery
  • Do not pull stuff out of the trap
  • Always ensure trap is latched using a clip


Don’t forget to return your trap to the shelter. It should be clean and disinfected, free of newspapers and debris, so that the trap can be loaned out again right away.


Please read our policies on humane trapping before beginning. 

Call the TNR Hotline, 760-820-2281 with questions, concerns, or for assistance.  Or email us

Responses may take 1-2 days. Immediate cat rescue issues should be directed to Palm Springs Animal Control via Palm Springs Police Department at: 760 327-1441.