Greater Palm Springs Animal Allies is Spreading Its Wings!
The Coachella Valley is not just a special place for people—it is an extraordinary place for wildlife. The region is home to a wide range of bird, reptile, and mammal species, many of them endemic, and many of them threatened or endangered. Risks to the health and safety of our local wildlife have increased over the years, as we continue to convert acres upon acres of wildlands to residential and commercial developments. Wildlife is forced into ever smaller and smaller segmented spaces, often venturing into our backyards and community parks, along our roadsides and parking lots, sharing the places where we live, work, learn and play. They are forced to navigate more and more human-made hazards, sometimes failing. That is where we—and you—come in.
Greater Palm Springs Animal Allies is thrilled to announce the opening of the Desert Wildlife Center (DWC). The DWC will serve as a safe refuge for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife needing medical treatment and rehabilitation. Slated to open this year at the site of the former wild bird center in Indio, DWC will initially serve wild birds, and with plans to accept both reptiles and mammals in the future. In addition to rescue, treatment, care, and rehabilitation services, DWC will offer humane education to community members of all ages, creating a solid grassroots network of wildlife advocates dedicated to cultivating and sustaining peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife.
The Desert Wildlife Center is in the process of applying for required state and federal permits and updating and renovating the facility meet to new rehabilitation standards that are required for opening. We will keep everyone updated on our progress.
Just as our community dogs and cats are relying on us to help them live their best lives, our wild animal friends are counting on us to give them a chance to not only survive, but to thrive. Please donate to the Desert Wildlife Center to help us open our doors to sick, injured, and orphaned birds this summer. All donors of $500 and above will be listed as Founding Members of the Desert Wildlife Center. We also have a number of naming opportunities at the Center. With your help, we can ensure the wild things always have a home in the Coachella Valley.
In addition, we are currently soliciting volunteers for the Desert Wildlife Center. If you are interested in learning more, please click here or email [email protected].
You can view our Desert Wildlife Center Amazon Wish List here.
For more information, please call our helpline at (760) 203-5500 or email [email protected].
Palm Springs Animal Shelter and Palm Springs Animal Control do not condone the trapping of healthy wildlife. There are many humane alternatives to trapping wild animals, and the resources below provide additional options.
For wildlife found within the city limits of Palm Springs
Riverside County Dept. of Animal Services (760) 343-3644
VCA Valley Animal Medical Center (760) 342-4711
Project Wildlife Ramona (760) 789-2324
CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife (916) 358-2790
Ill or Injured Wildlife:
Obvious signs of illness or injury include bleeding, dragging limbs, obvious wounds or displaying neurological symptoms such as circling or head twitching.
Palm Springs Animal Control
Orphaned Baby Wildlife (birds and mammals):
If you find a baby wild animal, please refer to the Baby Birds and Mammals Flow Chart. Please attempt to reunite healthy baby wildlife with their parents before bringing the baby to the shelter or calling Animal Control. Keeping young wildlife with their parent’s ensures a higher likelihood of survival.
For wildlife found outside the city limits of Palm Springs:
(760) 343-3644